Tuesday, February 12, 2008

White roses

A stalk of red wildflower among a cluster of white roses, matched with blue static (aka forget-me-not). The vibrantly coloured small filler flowers bring out the purity of the white roses ever so well.

Roses with chocolates and bears

If you find that roses alone are too plain, add some chocolates or bears to make the gift more interesting! Small bears can be inserted admidst the flowers while 8' bears could be tied to the bouquet. Larger bears will be tied in a way where the bear hugs the bouquet.

Purple cabbage rose

Purple cabbage rose bouquet for someone who likes unique flowers! Cabbage roses come in creamy white and purple, and size of the bloom depends on country of origin. (subject to availability)

Orange gerbera bouquet

Orange gerbera bouquet with white sweet williams for a contrasting bouquet

Light pink rose bouquet

Light pink roses in an array of blue static and white G-wax, encased in an abundance of greens.

4 bouquets at a glance

(clockwise from top right) A cheerful bouquet of 10 orange gerberas, 11 pink roses, a mixed rose bouquet of white, red, champagne and pink roses for those who just can’t decide on which colour is best, and 11 white roses surrounding an attention-seeking single stalk of red wildflower.